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Totally Creative Ideas for Repurposed and Upcycled Furniture and Decor

Totally Creative Ideas for Repurposed and Upcycled Furniture and DecorKitchen Shelving RepurposedPallets Playhouse

If you're anything like me, you love to scour the internet for creative ideas. I often find myself in awe and wonderment at the creative potential of our human family. And one of the most beautiful aspects of creativity is how it can flourish miraculously out of a need. 

There are so many creative ideas that people have shared for re-using, repurposing, recycling -  or "upcycling" as it's often referred to in the DIY world, and these ideas come from a need to protect our planet. We know we can all do our part to care for Mother Earth, but these ideas show us that we can get totally creative about it! 

We LOVED so many ideas and here we're going to share a few of the ones that really got our creative juices flowing. But we'll definitely come back to posting and sharing more repurposing and upcycling furniture ideas that we love, especially some of the awesome DIY ideas that inspire us to get creative and have fun with our own projects.

If you have a repurposed/upcycled project you'd like to share with us, we'd love to hear from you in the comments section below. Happy DIYing! 


5 Creative Repurposed and Upcycled Furniture Ideas

Thank-you so much to the creators of these ideas for sharing your talents with all of us. You definitely inspire us to think outside of the box... or find new ways to make a box! 

Apple Crate Kitchen Shelving

Repurposed Kitchen Shelving - Apple Crates for upcycled home decor

We love the "country living" touch of these repurposed apple crates.

"Unexpected" Crutches Table

 Repurposed crutch table - unexpected uses for trash

This table got our creative juices flowing. It's about seeing things in unexpected ways.

Bathtub Coffee Table Planter

Repurposed bathtub coffee table planter - gorgeous!!

A beautiful, creative piece.

Pallets Playhouse 

Repurposed Pallets Playhouse 

Awesome idea. We think our eco-safe wood treatment would be a great idea for a project like this to preserve the life of the playhouse in an eco-friendly, totally kid-safe way.

DIY Reclaimed Wood Storage Crates

Reclaimed wood storage crates

We love the old dog-toy handles. Such a great idea for so many possible storage uses! We'd also recommend our DIY weathered wood finish on these reclaimed, sanded wood surfaces for an eco-safe, non-toxic, VOC-free beautiful rustic look.


Hope you've enjoyed having a look at some of these totally creative ideas with us. Maybe they've gotten your creative juices flowing, too! 

Weathered Wood Finish CTA Button


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