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Louise's Garden

"I found you first several years ago when I first got my flow hive and did not want to paint it.  A few other beekeepers had found your product and said it was Superior to anything that else that they have found and that it was non-toxic to the bees.  After that I was so taken with the way that the hive looked that I started using it on my raised beds some of those raised beds are sitting on top of 2x12's that were put into the ground to create slightly raised beds probably 15 years ago and some of them were starting to rot and I put tall Earth on all of those and the rotting has stopped so it saved me a lot of money and aching body. 

I really really love your product and I recommend it to anybody who will listen.  Got no idea what it's made out of how it works but since it does and it doesn't hurt anything I don't care I love it.  Hope some of these photos are helpful to you and I will send some when everything's all grown up they look very beautiful then.

I am delighted you got the photos and I will be more than happy to send more when everything is beautiful and green.  I have two new projects that are using Tall Earth and will send photos when they are complete.  I just love this stuff!!!"




  • Yup, this is a common question, and the Wood Treatment is safe for this use, it can be applied to surfaces that are in direct contact with soil used for veg gardens :)

    Hope this helps!

    Anonymous on
  • Did you put the treatment on the inside of the wood underground? I am building a wood greenhouse foundation. There will be earth touching both sides of the wood. I will grow vegetables directly into the ground so I need something safe. I am concerned about rot, of course.

    Lisa DiGiorgio on

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