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Life... an Infinite Stream of Unlimited Possibilities

A few years ago, we were fortunate to get to know John, from Indiana. First as a customer, and then as a friend to our team here at Tall Earth.  We came to know him as a lively, articulate, kind and wise gentleman from an era when gentlemen had grace, and grit, and were ready to share their wisdom.

Circling back to 2016, we find John 13 years into enjoying his retirement, having found a little patch of heaven to call his own, deep in a National Forest. A sweet little house, a large garage and workshop, and a few outbuildings made up the workings of a sleepy little homestead, surrounded by majestic 100’ tall trees. Everything was going according to plan for John. Until it all went up in smoke - literally. Devastated by a fire, he lost everything on the property in April of 2016.

But on the other side of that despair, John found that he hadn’t lost his will, his creativity, his spirited nature, and his belief that “everything is possible”. Fuelled by this sentiment, John went on to start building a reimagined, simpler homestead, a property he dubbed, “The Possibilitist's Place”.

Leaning into the goodwill of neighbors and local tradespeople, John found a way forward! We’re very sure that his infectiously good-natured attitude played a big part in the redevelopment of the property into a place of peace for John and his friends.

We’re proud to have been an integral part of this project for John. He’s extensively used Tall Earth products to treat the new wood structures, instantly providing an aged patina that makes them look like they’ve been there for years, nestled amongst the tulip trees.

In this recent video, John details the layout of the property, including some additional structures still awaiting Tall Earth treatment. (John, as of this writing, your new product is on the way!)


This link takes the viewer to a shot of a Tall Earth-treated cabin and deck, but please do watch the whole video as well.

John was kind enough to send us some photos of the newer structures on his property, and 6 years later you can see that they look so lovely:

However, our favorite photo is a gift from John that we’d like to share with all of you - it captures his philosophy beautifully:

John, we’re honored to be your friends. Thank you for sharing your story with us!


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