Tall Earth Eco-Safe Wood Treatment
At Tall Earth, we've developed our non-toxic Eco-Safe Wood Treatment ™ to be environmentally friendly, kid-safe, pet-safe, and soil and groundwater safe, yet highly effective and affordable.
Independent lab tests verify the safety and effectiveness of our treatment. Used by government agencies and park authorities.
We're really proud of our Eco-Safe Wood Treatment ™. It represents our careful research and development in creating a truly unique wood treatment that is completely eco-friendly, and fulfills Tall Earth's mandate to minimize the environmental footprint of our company and our manufacturing process, and the environmental footprint of our customers. We have families, we have children, and we believe in good stewardship of our environmental resources so they can be enjoyed and treasured by future generations.
We field tested this product for years, and it has been very successful in commercial settings. We're delighted to bring Eco-Safe Wood Treatment ™ to home users, we think you'll love it and find new uses for it all the time.
There's no need to sacrifice quality or value in order to preserve, protect and beautify your wood project while staying green. From bird houses to people houses, we've got you covered!
This page is designed to provide you with lots of details on Eco-Safe Wood Treatment ™ - what it does and how to use it.
The Quick Details:
- Eco-Safe™ is non-toxic, VOC Free, environmentally friendly, children & animal friendly, garden & food safe
- Our basic single package mixes with water to make 1 Gallon (4.5L), providing about 150-200 square feet of coverage
- It's made from our proprietary mixture of naturally sourced materials, harvested and manufactured in accordance with sound environmental principles
- Provides a nice silver or silver-brown aged finish, depending on wood type, with no special surface preparation
- One easy application penetrates wood forever, with no flaking off, no scraping, and no reapplications needed
- Works on indoor or outdoor projects - fences, decks, siding, furniture, marine applications, etc.
Want more details? Read on...
Eco-Safe Wood Treatment ™ has been used for every imaginable wood project. Most popular for outdoor treatments, it's also been used for indoor staining and furniture. We've seen Eco-Safe being used for decks, patios, log houses, house/shed siding, gazebos, trellises, fences, gates, stables, barns, chicken coops, hay wagons, doors, window frames, shutters, patio furniture, curios and hobby projects, sculpture, planters, garden beds, lamp posts, signs, marinas, docks, boat slips, boathouses, boats, rafts, solariums/sunrooms, awnings, movie sets, bookcases, shelves, dollhouses, treehouses, playground equipment, swings, ladders, Japanese torii, and more.
Stain Benefits:
- Penetrates into wood fibers, permanently changing the wood structure at a molecular level for a stain that will never fade
- Provides a silver to brown patina depending on wood type, with a soft sheen - instantly imparts an elegant, aged finish
- Ideal for artificially aging wood, to weather or beautify, or match repairs to older wood
Preservative Benefits:
- Protects against moss, mold, wet rot, dry rot and fungus
- Never peels or flakes, never needs scraping
- Provides protection for the life of the wood structure
- Only needs to be applied once
Environmental Benefits:
- Incorporates naturally-sourced materials in a proprietary blend to penetrate deeper and last longer
- Raw materials harvested and manufactured in accordance with sound environmental principles
- Zero environmental impact/ footprint
- Leaves no harmful residues in soil or water
- Zero VOCs/ VOC-free
- Non-toxic
- Safe for use around kids and pets
- Safe for garden applications, including vegetable garden beds and herb planters with soil contact
- No fumes
- Dries quickly, washes up with water
How to Use:
- Add package contents to approximately 1 gallon (4.5 liters) of water and stir well. Some of the product may not completely dissolve, this is normal. If using a sprayer, allow product to stand for 5 minutes, stir again, and then screen mixed solution before spraying. This will help avoid blockages in the spraying equipment.
- Use on bare, untreated or pressure-treated wood. No special surface preparation is needed. If wood is finished with a sealer or lacquer-type product, the old sealer will need to be removed by sanding in order to allow Eco-Safe™ to penetrate wood surface. Solution can be applied by brush, roller, sponge, sprayer or by dipping. Make sure to cover all surfaces well, especially rough or cracked surfaces, end grains and fresh cuts.
- Some wood types will not show an immediate change in color. This is normal. Color will change and deepen over 1-2 weeks, and especially with repeated exposure to sun and rain.
- Additional applications are not necessary to enhance protective qualities of Eco-Safe™. Once final color has been achieved, it is possible to deepen color by reapplication. Sometimes, areas missed by initial application are then affected by product migrating with rain, so any unevenness disappears with time.
- Darkening and silvering of treated wood is the beautiful result of this unique product. Different wood species will respond with slightly different final colors, ranging from light or dark silvery gray to light or dark silvery brown. The color of Eco-Safe™ treated wood will continue to evolve over time.
Usage notes:
- To artificially age wood to match older wood, apply Eco-Safe™ lightly, and consider using additional applications to fine-tune color.
- For marine applications or projects where wood may be in constant contact with soil, moisture or water, consider applying Eco-Safe™ by dipping to ensure complete coverage, or apply additional coats.
- Mix only what you need for a project. Although the mixed solution will stay active and usable if kept in a sealed container, it's less convenient to save than the dry product, which has no expiry and is shelf stable for a long time.
- Consider taking pictures of your project to share with us! Post to instagram, twitter or facebook with #tallearth. We especially love before and after pics!
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